Myth: Sun and aging causes brown spots on my skin
When it comes to skin pigmentation you might think that every brown spot on your face is the same. It’s not! There are different types of skin pigmentation that appear due to different reasons and need to be treated differently to remove them. This common myth has caused issues for a lot of people who have tried to remove their skin pigmentation themselves only to be disappointed with the results because their skin spot was diagnosed incorrectly. Not surprisingly a lot of people these days will Google everything, find a matching photo and self diagnose, however, The different types of skin pigmentation or brown spots on your face can include freckles, melasma, sun damage, age spots or simple irritation.
Removing spots and pigmentation successfully really depends on the correct diagnosis but can include creams, lasers or our own SRA Pigmentation Reduction treatment depending on the cause and type of pigmentation. If you are worried about pigmentation issues or would like the unsightly spots removed, please come in for a professional consultation where we can look at your skin and make an informed approach on your treatment.


Myth: Pigmentation caused by pregnancy can’t be fixed
This is not necessarily true, however, it is better to treat pigmentation caused by pregnancy early on. The type of pigmentation that can appear as a result of pregnancy is called melisma. This comes in the form of brown or grey-brown patches on the skin and can also be caused by sun exposure and in some cases the contraceptive pill and menopause.
Melasma can gradually worsen over time spreading across or darkening the skin. However, it is treatable no matter how severe it might seem. Long term treatments will be required for severe cases covering the face, hands or neck but mild cases can be easily treated and the pigmentation removed at our Canberra skin clinic. Our SRA Pigmentation Reduction treatment is excellent for this purpose as well as removing many other types of skin pigmentation.
Though we do not recommend that you seek treatment during pregnancy, you are always welcome to come in and have a consult during your pregnancy ready for treatment after baby is born.


Myth: Any laser treatment can cure skin pigmentation
This is not true! Cheap laser treatments can be more damaging to your skin and, in some cases, can worsen the initial skin problem. In some more severe cases, an individual can be left scarred with permanent damage to their face and skin if a trained professional with the right equipment does not see them. It’s terrible to hear, we know, but if a $50 cheap laser treatment sounds too good to be true it probably is! No amount of money back guarantees will save your skin from irreparable cheap laser treatments. Be kind to your skin, you only get one lot of it.
The best solution for skin pigmentation is to use a quality laser treatment that will improve your skin and reduce redness. This is where our SRA pigmentation reduction treatment comes in! It is non-invasive and treats multiple skin conditions for better results. We will also tailor a treatment plan to suit you and your needs to improve the outcome for your skin not damage it.


Myth: You can’t prevent genetic skin pigmentation
There are three key things that can cause skin pigmentation and these are genetics, exposure to the sun and aging. Despite this, you can prevent skin pigmentation even if it is genetic by following a strict regime. This involves avoiding prolonged exposure in the sun which will prevent additional pigmentation.
Slip, slop, slap is the best way to deal with exposing your skin to the sun. Use sunscreen regularly, wear a hat and cover up your skin as much as possible. This will ensure that you are reducing skin pigmentation that appears due to the sun and UV rays. Reversing your existing skin pigmentation can seem tricky, However, there are easy ways to reduce your pigmentation with noticeable results including our SRA skin pigmentation reduction treatment. You will begin to see your skin become clearer and brighter after just a couple of treatments at our Canberra skin clinic.
If you are looking to reduce your skin pigmentation then try our SRA skin pigmentation reduction treatment today by contacting us on (02) 6239 7347