At Total Body Contouring, we offer both weight loss and anti-aging services to people in and around Canberra. Our Healite LED therapy is just one of the many ways we tackle and reverse the effects of aging, so you can stay looking fit and fabulous no matter how many birthdays pass.

Read on to learn more about LED phototherapy and Healite anti-aging systems in Canberra. We’re here to keep you looking and feeling great!

What is Healite LED Therapy?
Healite LED therapy is a relaxing skin treatment designed to promote skin rejuvenation, boost your body’s natural cellular recovery and treat skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and acne. Using light emitting diodes (LEDs), our machine “deliver precise wavelengths of light” to relieve skin conditions, pain and promote a youthful restoration to the skin. This no-contact anti-aging treatment is not only affordable but is also relaxing, unlike many other skin care treatments on the market.

Healite LED therapy treatment is now available at Total Body Contouring, so what are you waiting for!?

Why Choose Healite LED Therapy Over Other Anti-Aging Treatments?
When shopping around for an anti-aging treatments, the biggest factor in most people’s decision is the downtime and price-value relationship. In essence, this means that people will consider whether or not the treatment benefits are worth the amount of money they’re investing. Luckily, Healite LED therapy is one of the most affordable anti-aging treatments around with outstanding results. It’s gentle, non-invasive and does not involve any physical contact with the skin, so most clients enjoy the procedure, describing it as similar to relaxing under the warm sun (if they don’t fall asleep that is!).

Many LED anti-aging services target the surface of the skin, but Healite targets damage at a deeper level, improving collagen and elastin levels, reducing inflammation and acne, and speeding up cell regeneration. Not only do you get to save on overpriced anti-aging creams, but you get the luxury of bathing in warm light that reverses the damage done to your skin!

What Can I Expect?
When you choose Canberra Healite LED therapy at Total Body Contouring, you’ll receive a form of electromagnetic radiation of varying wavelengths that will penetrate your skin. It is then  absorbed by the cells and tissues, stimulating several benefits to the skin. These benefits include an increase in oxygen and blood flow to promote collagen production and release toxins, improved skin elasticity leading to a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, and reparation of sun damage to the skin. You’ll also get better skin tone and clarity by normalising cellular imbalances and minimizing the effects of inflammatory conditions like acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema!

We usually suggest that clients come in for twice-weekly treatments over a two-week period for maximum results leaving you with hydrated skin and a youthful glow.

Still wondering if Canberra Healite LED therapy is right for you? Well, what if we told you there were zero side effects and it’s known as a safe treatment that does not increase your risk for melanoma.

Whether you’re looking to turn back the signs of aging, increase your blood circulation for a youthful glow or treat acne, Healite LED therapy is perfect for you.

Put your best feature first, your skin, and prioritise regaining that youthful glow.

Contact the experts at Total Body Contouring with any questions you may have and book your first session today!